Tender Details - Closed

No : 1834565D & C1 Regions :
Description : VARIOUS REST AREA SITES WITHIN CENTRAL WEST DISTRICT - CN-18913 CONDITION AUDIT OF EXISTING REST AREA BUILDINGS - Carry out Detailed Inspections of Building Structures at 55 Rest Area Sites in the Central West District (ID#1904) - Design and Construct Federal Electorates :
Closing Date/Time : 04/04/2022 15:00 AEST State Electorates :
PQC Level : Local Authorities :
Tender Category : Contractor
This Tender has now closed
Tender Type: Open
Number of tenders received: To be advised under Tenders under review as soon as possible
Schedule of tenders: To be advised under Tenders under review as soon as possible

For further information contact:
Jodie Perroux
Email: Click to email Jodie Perroux
Phone:  4651 2721